Save A Child's Life

Sunday, January 1, 2012

NO resolutions.....promises maybe!

I am soooooo bad at resolutions that I can't even utter the word, well at least after this post! Here is the vow to make and keep promises this year. We will call it promises cause I feel much worse when I break a promise, don't you? So here are my promises for 2012!

-get right with God! Not just me but all four of us. 2011 was by far our worst year at staying in touch religiously. We decide early in the year that our little home church was wonderful and full of precious family members but it just wasn't a good fit for us anymore. We visited many fantastic churches over this year and just haven't settled on a more permanent faith home. So we will probably do a bit more visiting and then choose. After all I don't want to timeline this one cause the Man upstairs is sure to let us know when we have hit gold.

-be in tune with the hubs! Bama and I have made it through the seven/eight year itch and are headed to the nine. We do work great together when we are
not broken. Okay, so I won't say we are broken, just rusty. This means making the time to pamper our marriage and remembering why we got married and what the institution stands for (refer to #1, reference The Book!)

-successfully maintain our household! This means to me, have everything in order not just do the "someones coming shuffle". That's what we call throwing everything into mom n dad's room and slamming the door shut, haha! Alright, so that's at least having things presentable, yet not interfering with the girl's right to have fun. After all a slightly messy house is a happy one....please don't burst my bubble, we have to start somewhere!

In order to not stress out completely, these are the first few promises that I can keep. Once these have been smacked out of the park, we can move to new ones. Yeah, how'd you like that, smacked out of the park, baseball reference, look at me, I am so sporty. I think that is on the hubs promise list. #1 make wifey more sports affiliated, check!

And of course in all randomness here is a pic from our very last Cmas gathering. We will call it the 2nd Annual Husband's Immediate Family Christmas. GN

(pictured L to R, Addison, Alston, Kadence, Nanna & Kenzie)


The Buchanan Family said...

love these! Happy New Year!

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