Save A Child's Life

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First Halloween / First Fall

Addison was so cute on her first Halloween. Because her birthday was in January she was almost one for her first trick or treat. We had so much fun. I thought she wouldn't be to keen on the "petal head" as Bama called her but she was a good sport!

The next portrait is of Kadence's first fall, me being a bad mommy got all the way to the photo shoot and realized I had left their costumes at home? So the only ones I have of that Halloween are with my camera and they aren't very good. Isn't she just so tiny to be almost one? It drives her crazy now cause I still try to hold her and rock her like a baby.
They are and have been a definite handful but I wouldn't have it any other way! I found a blog through a blog of a blog of a blog ( haha ) but it is about a woman with Irish Twins and it is so neat. For those of you who don't know, Addison and Kadence are Irish twins as well. To make them even more rare, they were born in the same year. Addison on 01/12/2006 and then Kadence on 12/13/2006. I know it is strange to think about but it's kinda cool, at least to me and Bama!
the Fields.....


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